local kirana grocery delivery supply solution chain

kirana e supply solution

Right from villages to towns, children to old age people starting from rich man to utter poverty people every one needs groceries some people go to grocery shop to buy groceries some of them go to super markets whatever ever the name they call  wherever they go they are in a bit hurry the place looks too clumsy and finally they come out with sweat if it is ordinary time means no one cares about it  but time never won't be  the same  in covid -19 time there is a need of groceries how much we need and we are scared to cross our limits . 

The government is warning  not to open any shops  and super markets. In countries economy groceries business goes on well  economically the government will get benefit . But in this time doing s business is like playing with people 's life . In today's situation gathering of people  leads to corona virus to spreading on other side there are no businesses due to that the economy declined no one need to  mobilize any where. We kirana setu .com supplies all the groceries at your door step. In this  kirana setu.com came forward to supply the groceries to our house. There is no doubt at all kirana setu.com deliveries the groceries to your house .Through kirana setu.com you can buy fruits and vegetables .Through kirana setu .com  you can buy the household things even with out forming the groups at the general stores .People and the government appreciate the initiative of kirana setu.com and look for ward
Thank you 
